What is 68191349ab, Where have you seen/recited it before? On the surface, it merely appears to be a jumble of letters and numbers. But guess what? That is a mystery on its own! In this section we will learn what is the signification of this code and also why it matters for us to know about.
At first glance 68191349ab makes basically no sense. And you must be wondering why is it so important. But do you know that its special code actually? Code is a shape of dark magic that simplest certain people can understand. There are many instances when people use codes to keep things secret or protect valuable information from ending up in the wrong hands.
Code 68191349ab, Numbers and Alphabetic. It is first nice and long, appears tricky, but it summed 10 characters in all. Every single character of this code is significant and contributes to convey meaning about what the code does.
Now that we have figured out 68191349ab is a code, lets see why it should be important to us. The next bit is this code -in technology and computers, which are omnipresent in our day to day. A “hash” or a “hash code”. "
A hash code is liken to a digital fingerprint. Similarly, each individual has a unique set of fingerprints like no other and so does all digital information in the universe. Another essential function hash codes have is to ensure that certain vital details are not tampered with a malicious party.
Dig this: you are obliged to send off a file in which it is difficult as hell, or maybe important like school work if not pics from the holiday season. You have to be certain that it gets there fine and nothing is messed with in the process. With this hash code, you can be sure that the file have not changed or been tampered with (i.e. byte for byte) since you sent it — there will no new surprises!
8 – This number indicates how “strong" the hash is. Just as some locks are stronger than others, the same goes for hash codes. Normally, bigger the number of hash code is treated as more secured and strong.